Friday, August 21, 2015

5 x 25 Challenge: First Post

Welcome to the first post of my 5x25 Blogging Challenge.  

I found out about this blogging challenge from the magazine called Art Journaling.  Basically, what you do is snap five photos of moments in your daily life to capture the small moments that make up the big picture. Then you write about it for five minutes, just describing the photos, putting those moments into words. You do this everyday for twenty five days straight... Supposedly, your creativity and imagination just takes over and the words seem to just come tumbling out of you.  I, personally, have no issues with writing and typing nonsense.  I'm very used to it because I used to do it for Nanonwrimo and I would utilize the writing tool called "Write or Die".  Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month in which you try to write a 50,000 word novel in the span of a month (November).  You don't have to finish the novel itself, you just have to hit the 50k word count. I think that's how I gained my skills of word-vomitting and making it sound half decent because I would literally just be typing nonstop for a half our and I would have to actually write a story with characters and plot and dialogue!  It's really a lot of fun and I try to do it every November because it satisfies the much-starved writer within me...

Now about the photos I took for today: they're just little snapshots I took while I was sitting at my desk at work - to capture the essence of the moment, you could say.

The selfie actually only took two retakes, can you believe  that?  I think it must be the ambient lighting in here!  And the makeup I have just recently touched-up ;)

I'm also nursing a now-cooling coffee and admiring my gel manicure that I had done for Vegas. Aren't those colors just stunning together?  I never knew I was such a big fan of purple ... but I guess lavender/mauve is a whole nother story for me since I really love neutrals and soft, muted colors.  It makes me happy and calm~

The fourth photo is a scene of what I see when I turn to my right while sitting at my desk ... it's the empty desk of a much beloved coworker who left the company and is moving on with her life ~  We miss her a lot here, her laughter and humor was bubbling over to all of us and very enlightening.  On the far back wall is a bunch of samples on display.

And  lastly I took a small snippet of what my outfit looks like when I glance down whilst sitting on my chair.  I'm wearing my 20% wool 80% Acrylic Knit Fringe Shawl in this beautiful warm taupe color that makes me want to curl up with it on a couch, a feline friend, and a worn, much-loved book on moody London day. Underneath the shawl, I am wearing a knit beige dress with ruffle details and a lace embroidery applique across the neckline section.  It's delicate and feminine but so very soft and comfortable. Both pieces were bought at an adorable Korean boutique which is where I do most of my main brick-and-mortar shopping these days ... the style is just right down my alley!

I guess that's my first post for my 5x25 challenge!  I hope this takes me to great places and makes me become more involved in my (much) neglected blog ! Thanks for reading as always~

Lynna out xx