Hello all! I finally got a chance to take some ootd photos after SO LONG of not taking any!
It was making me very sad that I didn't have time to take ootd photos because I've been wearing some cute pieces lately. I'm planning to clear a wall of my room so that I can have some nice blank space to take a daily ootd photo before I head off for school/work :) I'll keep you posted on that.
I apologize in advanced for the extremely overexposed/bright photos! It was a very sunshiney day and we shouldn't have taken the photos in harsh, direct sunlight...as I suspected... but oh well, learn for the next time! I tried to edit it (to mute the exposure and to make the pale pink in the top pop more), but it didn't do much and I kind of failed lol ... sooo... sorry about that! Hopefully you don't go blind from the brightness !
Also I hate my face/expression in these photos because my makeup all melted off and plus the super harsh sun blended all my features and made them look wonky AND to top it all off, I was squinting like mad because I was going blind from the sun ! So I cropped my face out in a lot of photos lol. I'm sure you don't mind anyways ;)
I hope you like this outfit - it's extremely fun and comfy to wear and I adore it! I wore the winged top so it would look cool and floaty today since we were going to the roller skating rink! Result? Definitely looked very cool! My sister told me so lol because she was skating behind me! Success!
I love love LOOOVE these boots!! I wear them...every day! So comfy but stylish and makes me feel like a rockstar at the same time. I get at least one compliment every day on these.
And it helps that they are channeling the Jeffrey Campbell vibe!
This is how I bought it at the store- the wings were tired into a cute little bow! I like to wear it like this sometimes too when I don't feel like having it float around and getting caught on things.
Winged Top: OVI (brand) - I bought it from SM boutique which I talk about extensively here. As I mentioned in that post...all my clothes are from that store now haha. $15
Bandage Leggings: Ebay for like $7 :)
Boots: Aliexpress.com for $30
Watch: Target for $20
That's all! Hope you enjoyed my first ootd post in a long while! Please leave comments if you've got a moment!