I've been seeing some girls wearing lolita more often when I've been going out lately and it makes me happy to see the rich subfashion and subculture still thriving.
Although it's been a few years since I've really worn lolita full on, it still holds a place somewhere in my heart as one of my most loved subfashions. It's just so detailed and elegant and offers so many possibilites that I can't help but to still hold it in high regards although I personally outgrew wearing it on a daily basis. Anime cons don't count obviously. ;)
Just recently I sold off all my lolita skirts, in fact. Most of them were never worn and still had tags! I just needed more room in my closet and realized that the poor things were just sitting in there and gathering dust so I decided to sell them to someone who would give them a little love.
So I've ran into a couple young ladies recently who were wearing Lolita or hime inspired outfits and they all looked so adorable and lovely that I just had to ask for some snapshots!
Here is the first one ~ her name is Christine and I ran into her at a mall. She's donning a Liz Lisa dress I loved her impeccable and stunning coordinates so I asked to take a photo and we also exchanged blogs. Her blog is rurouniinugirl.blogspot.com! Please check it out if you are interested in lolita/hime fashion because it is a gorgeous and good quality blog! Also she's gorgeous and dresses nicely so yeah - go check out her blog. :)
Friday, September 21, 2018
Thursday, August 27, 2015
[5 x 25 Day 4] Discount Stores Haul!
As it turns out, I am not one for blogging every single day ... LOL. I totally failed with that endeavor -honestly, I'm just too busy or tired sometimes to keep up something like that -- but I'm still going to stick with the 5x25 challenge and instead (still) post for 25 days, but trying to keep less than a week between the posts vs. every single day -- I think that is more realistic for me. And as much as I'd like to be blogging every single day, I find I am not in fact a full-time blogger who gets paid for doing this! Haha. If I were, this would be an easy and very rewarding job. But alas, real life tends to find a way to sneak in there and disrupt everything somehow ;)
Enough rambling! Here is my latest on the 5x25 challenge!
This one is a bit fun and different from the others - I'm going to double it as a haul post
So I did a bit of a haul from Burlington.com (I know, I know, I usually don't shop there either, but hey - they've got some good deals!) And I mainly got a haul because I wanted to get the pillow, but it was $50 with free shipping soooo... that quickly spiraled out of control, haha!
First thing I got was a fluffy, furry pillow!! I legit have some kind of obsession with furry, fluffy things ... be assured my future house will be covered in faux fur rugs and fur throws, especially in white and cream colors 。◕‿◕。 I think I just like to feel warm, cozy, and safe while I snuggle on the couch for a good read.
I got this specific pillow, though, for work so I can put it on my desk chair to support my back, it's been feeling kind of tense lately because I sit so much at my desk
Honestly, I really need to get back to the gym...
Okay moving on! The rest are shoes, as you can see! I have a terrible horrible addiction to shoes -it consumes my soul. I literally keep buying shoes and I always feel like I need more! AH! I'm crazy!
But they're so fun to shop for and to switch up! I probably like shopping for shoes as much as clothes.
Plus I've been wanting comfy, flat sandals lately and since they're in trend right now, why not?
I bought three sandals ... 。◕‿◕。 Two are the same ones but in different colors - white & tan! And the other one has a metallic strap over the toes! Coolness. Now I can look spiffy and cool for the fading summer days - which are strangely HOTTER than the actual summer hahaha. Plus, all of the sandals were on sale for like $7 each... How does a shoe addict resist that?
And I also bought booties for the upcoming fall season (MY FAVORITE SEASON EVER). I would literally dress in fall clothes everyday if it wouldn't make me combust from the heat! Also my favorite season in terms of design and fashion week shows, etc. I dream about sweaters and leather jackets and wool coats and fur .... OOoooohh fur (faux of course)
Okay, let me know what you think of the haul!
Oh I almost forgot - I also bought cute new bedsheets for my bed from Ross !
It's the background of all the shoes pics~ it has a vintage print on it and I think it really fits me ... makes me feel so happy hehe.
Anyways, I think that's all for now, darlings~ Till next time!
xx Lynna
Enough rambling! Here is my latest on the 5x25 challenge!
This one is a bit fun and different from the others - I'm going to double it as a haul post
So I did a bit of a haul from Burlington.com (I know, I know, I usually don't shop there either, but hey - they've got some good deals!) And I mainly got a haul because I wanted to get the pillow, but it was $50 with free shipping soooo... that quickly spiraled out of control, haha!
First thing I got was a fluffy, furry pillow!! I legit have some kind of obsession with furry, fluffy things ... be assured my future house will be covered in faux fur rugs and fur throws, especially in white and cream colors 。◕‿◕。 I think I just like to feel warm, cozy, and safe while I snuggle on the couch for a good read.
I got this specific pillow, though, for work so I can put it on my desk chair to support my back, it's been feeling kind of tense lately because I sit so much at my desk
Honestly, I really need to get back to the gym...
Okay moving on! The rest are shoes, as you can see! I have a terrible horrible addiction to shoes -it consumes my soul. I literally keep buying shoes and I always feel like I need more! AH! I'm crazy!
But they're so fun to shop for and to switch up! I probably like shopping for shoes as much as clothes.
Plus I've been wanting comfy, flat sandals lately and since they're in trend right now, why not?
I bought three sandals ... 。◕‿◕。 Two are the same ones but in different colors - white & tan! And the other one has a metallic strap over the toes! Coolness. Now I can look spiffy and cool for the fading summer days - which are strangely HOTTER than the actual summer hahaha. Plus, all of the sandals were on sale for like $7 each... How does a shoe addict resist that?
And I also bought booties for the upcoming fall season (MY FAVORITE SEASON EVER). I would literally dress in fall clothes everyday if it wouldn't make me combust from the heat! Also my favorite season in terms of design and fashion week shows, etc. I dream about sweaters and leather jackets and wool coats and fur .... OOoooohh fur (faux of course)
Okay, let me know what you think of the haul!
Oh I almost forgot - I also bought cute new bedsheets for my bed from Ross !
Anyways, I think that's all for now, darlings~ Till next time!
xx Lynna
Monday, August 24, 2015
[5x25 Day 2-3] MAGICAL WEEKEND
So I kind of cheated ... sorry! The last two days have been a whirlwind of fun and memory-making, So much to the point where I haven't even had a proper chance to sit down at the computer and type anything much less blog about something. I decided to combine these two days into one post~ and in return I will write for ten minutes instead of five! Sorry for the cheating, post~~
Four of the photos out of the five are from Sunday when we went to Disneyland for Jivan's 23rd birthday! Sorry, a lot of these photos are selfies~ I simply couldn't resist... they were cute :P
The other one in the top right corner was from the event by Pacific Symphony for Star Trek (in which there was a live orchestra playing the soundtrack of the Star Trek Reboot movie!) I dressed up as Spock! The makeup and hair was intense but fun to do. The outfit was the easiest, and I just ordered everything from Amazon. Anyways, It was such a cool event. I loved the unison and inside-jokes between the audience/fans every time there was a reference made in the movie - and even a point when everyone cheered because one of the orchestra members was messing around and playing the TOS theme song. So amazing. I love feeling like I belong when I'm being a total nerd - for once I feel like I fit in and everyone is just as obsessed as I am! It's so great to have that kind of experience. I think that's the great thing about fandom - one small, simple thing can bring people of all different backgrounds together and create friendships out of something truly unifying and universal. I just think it's great that even if we're totally different people ,we can connect through something like this and feel like a family somehow.
Jivan and I are taking up 3/5 photos, lol! We took so many selfies that day. We had a really great time at Disneyland too! It was a very hot day, but it's okay, we just tried to enjoy ourselves as much as we could and keeping cool with ice creams and mint juleps (unfortunately that mint julep was alcohol free hehe)! We utilized the Fastpass at Disneyland and tried to strategize so we could just knock out the rides as fast as we could. And the food was amazing of course! We had a croissant for breakfast, a giant turkey leg for lunch, and bread bowls for dinner. All totally delicious! I'll be dreaming about that turkey leg for months to come...
To my surprise, I didn't feel to old for Disneyland at all... I think it's totally true that it brings out the kid in you and that it will make you feel young! I especially loved all the details that were put into making the park come alive and making it really seem like a whole other world to the guests - like all of the detail that goes into all the sets of the rides and even just small decorations around the park itself. The fireworks show was amazing and I was surprised to find that I really enjoyed both that and the parade. The snow falling during "Let It Go" of the fireworks show almost made me cry, it was so beautiful! I guess I just really love snow - it makes me feel so whimsical and fluttery for some reason. I turned to Jivan and screamed, "IT'S SO MAGICAL!" He was laughing at my enthusiasm but I guess I can really see now how it is a magical place...I'll be coming back whenever I'm starting to feel too old ;)
xx Lynna
Friday, August 21, 2015
5 x 25 Challenge: First Post
Welcome to the first post of my 5x25 Blogging Challenge.
I found out about this blogging challenge from the magazine called Art Journaling. Basically, what you do is snap five photos of moments in your daily life to capture the small moments that make up the big picture. Then you write about it for five minutes, just describing the photos, putting those moments into words. You do this everyday for twenty five days straight... Supposedly, your creativity and imagination just takes over and the words seem to just come tumbling out of you. I, personally, have no issues with writing and typing nonsense. I'm very used to it because I used to do it for Nanonwrimo and I would utilize the writing tool called "Write or Die". Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month in which you try to write a 50,000 word novel in the span of a month (November). You don't have to finish the novel itself, you just have to hit the 50k word count. I think that's how I gained my skills of word-vomitting and making it sound half decent because I would literally just be typing nonstop for a half our and I would have to actually write a story with characters and plot and dialogue! It's really a lot of fun and I try to do it every November because it satisfies the much-starved writer within me...
Now about the photos I took for today: they're just little snapshots I took while I was sitting at my desk at work - to capture the essence of the moment, you could say.
The selfie actually only took two retakes, can you believe that? I think it must be the ambient lighting in here! And the makeup I have just recently touched-up ;)
I'm also nursing a now-cooling coffee and admiring my gel manicure that I had done for Vegas. Aren't those colors just stunning together? I never knew I was such a big fan of purple ... but I guess lavender/mauve is a whole nother story for me since I really love neutrals and soft, muted colors. It makes me happy and calm~
The fourth photo is a scene of what I see when I turn to my right while sitting at my desk ... it's the empty desk of a much beloved coworker who left the company and is moving on with her life ~ We miss her a lot here, her laughter and humor was bubbling over to all of us and very enlightening. On the far back wall is a bunch of samples on display.
And lastly I took a small snippet of what my outfit looks like when I glance down whilst sitting on my chair. I'm wearing my 20% wool 80% Acrylic Knit Fringe Shawl in this beautiful warm taupe color that makes me want to curl up with it on a couch, a feline friend, and a worn, much-loved book on moody London day. Underneath the shawl, I am wearing a knit beige dress with ruffle details and a lace embroidery applique across the neckline section. It's delicate and feminine but so very soft and comfortable. Both pieces were bought at an adorable Korean boutique which is where I do most of my main brick-and-mortar shopping these days ... the style is just right down my alley!
I guess that's my first post for my 5x25 challenge! I hope this takes me to great places and makes me become more involved in my (much) neglected blog ! Thanks for reading as always~
Lynna out xx
Friday, January 16, 2015
Warm Lights
A few photos that have been sitting on my computer for a LONG time, I decided to finally edit them and post them. I took these along the main street of Avalon, Catalina~
It was a warm night, perfect for that relaxing stroll along the oceanfront.
Dress: foreign exchange
Heels: Forever 21
Fur Shawl: Nine West
catalina island,
outfit snaps,
photos of me,
Catalina Avenue, Avalon, CA 90704, USA